Bryson DeChambeau Plugs 5 Brands In One Instagram Photo


Pro golfers generally use social media to promote their causes and/or sponsors. They’ll throw in some goofy personal stuff now and again to break it up and make the marketing less invasive.

Young Bryson DeChambeau, however, hasn’t quite learned the art of perfecting this media mix, and is constantly pushing sponsor-related content. His latest post may have set a record for its phoniness.

In the photo, which was meant to plug Bushnell, the young tour pro is photographed from the left side in order to show off four other brands.

  1. Cobra (hat)
  2. Bridgestone (glove)
  3. Puma (shirt)
  4. Microsoft (shirt)

His detractors immediately noticed, and offered some (trolling) opinions, while some of his supporters offered encouragement. Such is social media.

Bryon’s Blowback

  • Stopfooling everyone with all the endorsements, you are at best the 175th best player in the world…
  • Luckily you won’t need it on the course as you’ll likely WD.
  • Win and then bombard us with BS endorsements! Wake up!
  • I’m sure you’ll find a way of not using it properly.

Bryon’s Supporters

  • Focus and awareness. Draw on those great moments as a junior! Good luck this week!
  • Good luck this week! Silence the haters, you are a champion!
  • Why so much hate. I’d love to play golf for a living and he’s doing just that.



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